Ah, time for the Committee of Evidence! Now there’s a fact-finding body that really gets down to the bottom of things! (NOT).
Well as you can see from the top section of the issue that they definitely don’t take well to same sex relationships. Here they call the actions “abberated”.
That’s just Scientology lingo for doing something irrational.
So the Committee has a list of crimes and high crimes that I am suspected of committing. Here is my chance to set the record straight!
Yeah, um, no. Not a chance.
It goes like this:
“Your first listed Crime is MISCONDUCT, how do you plead?”
Well geez, I kinda see that as a compliment! Hmmm…. You are saying it as if it’s a bad thing.
I mean, Hubbard DOES say that we are all non-conformists here on Earth. So this one is tough.
Should I say guilty or not guilty? The expressions of these Committee members, they are not fooling around, and it’s not funny.
Ok, sigh. Guilty… I guess?
Honestly I didn’t care what these people were asking me. I could see in their faces that I was guilty of everything and they were just going through the motions.
Ok, next one REFUSAL TO UPHOLD DISCIPLINE. Well, isn’t that the same as misconduct? I guess they needed to throw the book at me.
Well, if I was guilty of the first offense, I must be guilty of the second one.
Next: PROTECTING A STAFF MEMBER GUILTY OF A CRIME. Um, I ain’t no damn snitch! Geez. Ok. In your “pole up the rear end” religion, sure, sure. Yeah, I didn’t snitch on something that is none of their damn business.
I’m extra suppressive because I don’t see what the big deal is. In all honesty we were both consenting adults, albeit unmarried, so that was a sin?
NO REPORT. Geez, another duplicate one. Maybe I’ll get a pat on the back for not snitching!
“Guilty or not guilty!?!?!” They wanted me to hurry up and just answer the dang question.
So much for fact-finding body. These guys already had their planned justice for me. This interview was a simple formality.
Ok then, um, guilty.
Maybe? Not sure because you haven’t yet told me my Suppressive Acts.
“Guilty or not guilty!?!?” Almost yelling it. Piercing impatient eyes glaring at me.
Whatever. Guilty. I don’t care.
Ah! Now we move on to my high crimes! These are synonymous with Suppressive Acts.
Perverted? Damn. That’s a lot. So even though thetans, or spirits, have no gender, we can still be perverted? Well I get that in cases of SA or such, but two consenting adults? Come on!
Well, whatever. I give up. Guilty.
I love how they added this line to it “These activities varied in range of severity, however there were about 20 instances of this.” Severity. Such a big word!
And, as always with Scientology, the other person involved with me also got in trouble for this. Of course they did.
And finally…..
I mean yeah. Ya kinda are sayin’ it’s my fault that Scientology doesn’t work? I should have applied all the Scientology to fix my perversion.
Scientology is guilty of Scientology not working on me and that’s my fault. Ok then.
Then they listed out all the great things I did while on post in the Sea Org.
But it didn’t outweigh my perverted acts of having a consenting relationship with another adult.
There is another note to be mentioned on this which is that yes, we kept our relationship secret.
And when Cassie was needing interrogations, it was assigned to me. I should have declined to do them but I didn’t. I regret that very much. It made things very difficult and complicated and I hate the way things went down.
But abberated and perverted?
Scientology you are in the Stone Age.
Come up to present time!
To be continued…..
I was asked once to be on a Committee of Evidence, but was told ahead of time what the results need to be (guilty of course). I told them I'd vote how I saw the evidence, and in the end I was the only dissenter and said 'not guilty'. It didn't matter, they found him guilty and kicked him out. Looking back, I think that was the best thing for the guy anyway. He was young enough to still have a life without Scientology.
I’ve been on both ends of a comm ev. Both are a joke. I was putting together a bill of particulars on an auditor for out tech. My favorite auditor. I had seen the film where he called an FN when the needle clearly wasn’t moving at all. I put a few things on the list, but per my senior EO said it wasn’t enough. So I added 10 points of KSW, apparently that’s automatic.
So when that day came for me to get my comm ev, they got to the end where it listed 10 points of KSW. I said “is this really a thing?”. Stone faces. Me “isn’t this just thrown on every comm ev?” Stone faces. Then the chairperson said “take a look”. As if I needed to look, I said 1. Having the correct technology. Yeah, I’m guilty because I don’t believe in the tech.
The last question they asked was if I was willing to do an ethics program and I said no, I made that clear from the start that I was done with SCN and that would mean doing more SCN. I plead for compassion (a word they can’t grasp) so that I didn’t get declared. If I got declared my daughter would have to disconnect.
I did not get declared, just told I’d need to do A-E. I asked them to show my F&R’s to my daughter and for them to let her know I wasn’t declared. They did, but my daughter’s response was a disconnection letter, until I completed my program. That was 2017.
I’m pretty sure I’m declared now. One never knows these days. My hope is that they showed my declare to my daughter to give her a heads up that I’ve done videos and stuff. Someday she will watch those videos and know that I went through all of that for her. If it were me, I would have gone away quietly…but they had to fuck with me.