Education of second gen Scientologists
L. Ron Hubbard was a terrible choice of who to listen to and follow the instructions of in regards to educating future generations.
Many second gens got screwed because of it.
I can only speak of my own experiences with it, but we have also heard from many second gens about the lack of a proper education.
Hubbard said that only Reading, Writing and Arithmetic were needed in the educational system. Geography? No. History? No. Music? No. Art? No.
Actually Hubbard says that Historians were wrong anyway so there was no point in learning it. Hubbard indicated that our own memories of past lives were a better study of history than any book on the subject.
Learning history is incredibly important. Hubbard had no right to deny us this learning.
Because he said we only needed to learn the three R’s, those were the subjects we learned. In my childhood years, raised in the Sea Org, I was sometimes in public school and sometimes in the Sea Orgs private school, called the ATA, short for Apollo Training Academy.
Hubbard sure loved making up his own names for things.
As I’ve mentioned in other articles, it was often that there was no-one watching over the underage, and so we ran free at the Big Blue. But also during that we would be enrolled in public school. That was good for me because I got exposed to more than those just solely trained at the ATA.
But on the rare occasions the we had the ATA functional, all we did were the Delphi school checksheets for the three R’s.
We did no learning for critical thinking, no education of history, or geography, or even algebra.
And we couldn’t grow up fast enough. See, if we passed the high school test, then we could be out of school entirely, legally. Once we turned 15 we qualified to do the test.
Many who could afford it did the GED test with Larry Dennison, a public Scientologist who lived up the street from big blue. Those who could not afford it (me, raises hand) did the high school proficiency exam at Hollywood High when they offered it. It was available twice a year.
Some of the kids, including myself, were on the Hubbard Key to Life Course, which counted legally as schooling because it taught grammar. So I did spend a lot of time on the course which counted for my education.
We didn’t learn critical thinking, we didn’t learn the value of history, we didn’t learn about the incredible discoveries made over the centuries.
I learned about all that after leaving Scientology.
There are many great people now and in history that are important, and need to be remembered.
Scientology, wanting to Clear earth, and be the only religion, can’t win. It mustn't.
There are far too many good works done by others, NOT Hubbard, that deserve their place in history. Their works deserve to be respected and learned.