Flag Training Part Two
Gosh I look so happy. I guess for the most part training was fun. We had very long days, but it was easy and less stressful than being on a post with daily targets and “or else” type threats.
Well, we did get those target assignments, our expected goal for the day, which we had to reach or be made to stay even later.
I mostly ran on my own steam and nobody bothered me much.
I first met Pat Clouden when I was on my Class IV Internship. I may have given him a few sessions. We became easy friends. I actually ended up at his house watching the US Open when I had a day off. I’d never heard of the US open and knew nothing about golf at the time.
Anyway, after I finished my Internship, I quickly ended up on my next Internship, Class V. This was where I had to give Dianetic sessions to people.
As part of that Internship I was expected to find a “raw meat” (someone who had never had any Dianetic or Scientology auditing) and give them an auditing session.
I wasn’t too sure about that. Walking around Clearwater Florida, looking for someone genuinely curious about Dianetics and Scientology?
Sounded daunting.
And, in the middle of that, protesters showed up all over the Scientology properties.
That was when I first heard of Lisa McPherson. I saw her name written on a coffin the protesters were carrying around.
During those protests, we were constantly having to deliberately avoid them. It was hard because you had to take a shuttle between the properties and we would all hide near one exit to wait for the shuttle, then scurry into the shuttle before the protesters caught up to us with their Xenu and Lisa McPherson signs. All buses and shuttles had windows covered so they didn’t see us. Or we didn’t see them. Not sure which.
Even the RTC scurried in shuttles just like the rest of us. I thought these guys were the top of the top. Cause over everything, scurry like the rest of is rats. Gave me a chuckle.
The protesters were everywhere. I later found out this was Mark Bunker and others, because of Lisa McPherson’s death. Sadly she was someone I didn’t know anything about until I left Scientology.
Because I was an OT, Operating Thetan, the staff at Flag told me that if I wanted, I could go out and heckle them. Yeah, no thanks. I wasn’t here to pick fights. I knew nothing about what they were protesting against so how could I go out entirely unprepared? Nah, not my thing.
That is just how closeted and uninformed we were.
But I was still left with the dilemma of finding someone raw meat to do a session on.
I mentioned it to Pat Clouden, and he offered that I could do a session on his mom.
And so he helped set up having her come to his house and I did an auditing session on her there.
And so, again I completed my Internship in record time. A three week course done in 10 days, including delivering a full auditing session of Dianetics with the e-meter, all command memorized and delivered, video pass by RTC to boot!
I was getting through my training fast. I wanted to go back to LA to be with my husband.
But no, just as I finished my Internship, I was told to start the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course.
No! I wanted to cry. No, I don’t cry. That course would extend my training at least a year and a half, and that was at TOP speed.
The Sea Org doesn’t care about your personal issues at all. I was sent to Flag and too bad my husband was not. It was totally normal to be separated from one’s spouse. Deal with it.
I was being punished for going too fast. There were plenty of Sea Org members that wished they had been sent for training, and I get that.
They could have let me do the course in LA, but being with my spouse was a distraction.
It was up to me to tell my husband the bad news….
To be continued…..