More on marriage in the Sea Org
I really don’t like this photo. But I am posting it anyway to make a point.
A lot of interesting comments and conversations came up from the last post about marriage, and so there are more things to discuss about it.
The flippancy about marriage is rampant in the Sea Org. It’s sad because a true marriage could be born out of love. But that is simply rare and almost impossible in the Sea Org. People marry who they are attracted to in order to have sex. Actually some have been known to get married just so they don’t have to live in a dorm with 20 other people or whatever.
Sea org living quarters were scarce. Dorms were devised to fit as many people as possible in a room of the same gender. Many of those dorms were cramped.
Getting married did give you a room of your own to share with your spouse. Sometimes it would take weeks or months for a room to become available but then when there was one, it was much better living conditions.
In the photo above, that was the room I shared with my husband. It was a mattress on the floor, no bed frame. We had one dresser we salvaged from the trash. There was a closet in the room to hang our uniforms.
We were lucky because we lived at the Wilcox, a berthing building located at the corner of Wilcox and Selma in Los Angeles. That building had a bathroom and shower in every room. So we had our own bathroom AND shower.
If you lived at big blue, there were community showers on each floor. But some floors were offices and those showers had been removed. And so you could have 50 people sharing the showers. We all learned to shower fast so everyone could get one and nobody was late for post.
Back to my berthing. No doors were ever locked. There was nothing to steal anyway. It was just a very small room with a mattress on the floor and uniforms in the closet. But it was our space where we could relax some.
It was easy to clean for sure.
I didn’t marry for the room but it was a nice bonus.
Nowadays I live in a four bedroom, 2 1/2 bath house. My two kids each have their own rooms. I worked hard to have nice set ups for myself and my family. But honestly compared to Sea Org work, it was easy.
Anyway, people got married in the Sea Org for better living conditions and/or sex. What other reasons were there?
And divorces happened all the time. It was hard to keep track of who was married to who and who got divorced. It happened so often.
Divorces could happen if one person was qualified to be promoted to another org and the other was not, or when a woman became pregnant and wanted to keep the baby, divorce was encouraged so they didn’t lose two Sea Org members.
Insane, right?
Yeah, Scientology has all the answers.