I feel so bad for all people who were born in or raised in and had nothing to compare. No beliefs to fall back on. You e done amazing job in de-cultifying and reading your regular articles help many of us who read them. I started at 18 so at least had some structure and values before I threw it away for 30 years. Now that I'm out I had to reintegrate into society, research human philosophy and medicine that works (not nicotine, ugh, gross). Each of us peeling the onion of false indoctrination has the same journey. I studied what human beings far smarter than ol elron were. Roman philosophy, American authors, a little Buddhism and now working on the Bible to find my spiritual way to Peace, and Truth and Love which we all deserve and have a very high capacity in sharing those traits with others on the journey.

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It's also astonishing to me that someone who DOES have something to compare Scn to, and years of life experience, would believe anything Scn was telling them, or wouldn't turn and run away the second they were forced to adopt and accept the abusive, cult like practices Scn employs and forces on their members. The things I've heard, as a never in, there ain't no way I would buy into the nonsense, not for a second. But I also understand that Scn, like any other cult, preys upon people who are at the lowest point in their lives or who intellectually are easily manipulated or misled to believe blatant falsehoods, which is so sad, and that's why cults like Scn should exist no more!!

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Many, even possiblity most of us started when we were very young. I was only 18, rebellious after parents broke up, college plans were shot in foot. Had to try to get along as best as I could. Joined up. Now after 20 years out I can say it was by far the worst mistake of my life. But when I was in it takes a hold piece by piece until you're totally invested, friends, family, spouse, kids. If you leave you lose it all. I did it and will never regret the act of leaving.

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Many, even possiblity most of us started when we were very young. I was only 18, rebellious after parents broke up, college plans were shot in foot. Had to try to get along as best as I could. Joined up. Now after 20 years out I can say it was by far the worst mistake of my life. But when I was in it takes a hold piece by piece until you're totally invested, friends, family, spouse, kids. If you leave you lose it all. I did it and will never regret the act of leaving.

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